Standard configurations of reach arm mowers and fixed flat lawn mowers with variable cutting widths, essentially cover 95% of control. Speciality saw blade attachments are interchangeable to the arm mowers, to cater for corridor high cutting or for breaking in vegetation outside what’s deemed beyond mowable.
At times, motor manual means (weed eaters) are also used, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas or those demarcated as ‘no spray zones’.
Chemical control of vegetation is generally only used to improve driver visibility towards road signage, road furniture, roadside barriers, water courses or other hazards not safely controllable via mechanical means. Specific spraying units are fitted to light vehicles doubling as pilot vehicles during the seasonal flushes.
CRTS has arborists to manage any tree removal tasks, along with Level One Traffic Management. Where scale or specialist plant items are identified and required, we undertake this on a project by project basis.